Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mark Leckey - Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore (1999)

Mark Leckey has created this fifteen minute piece using a mix of original and found footage.

The movement within the frames and the way that he spliced them together to have continual movement as the image shifts was to me the most moving part of this piece. There were many times thoughout the film where the image changes but the movement continues. For example, at 1:48 a man is spinning around and then the frame cuts to another man spinning in the same motion, and then to another. This continuation of movement passed from human to human draws an interesting connection between the movements of all humans- there are a number of movements that we all make and that can be spliced together to make a continual moving figure even though the actual person changes.

The variety of footage was impressive. Leckey managed to find or film at least twenty different disco scenes that all had very unique  properties and their own individual aesthetic. Even though the subject matter stayed the same, the feel of each scene varied greatly.

The stopped frames throughout the film really tied it all together for me. Since there was so much movement in the people in the film, the scenes in which the movement stopped for a moment and froze on a person's face gave me time to reflect on the images I'd seen and connect the movements of all of the people combined through that one face, that one personality. These scenes made me feel more personally connected to the people in the shots. Had these shots not been included, there would have remained a much greater gap between the viewer and the masses of people in the scenes.

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