Film has not only broken from the traditional form in
Europe, it also is use as a vehicle to against the power in the society in the
U.S.. Tradition was challenge by filmmakers, from lighting, characters, and
purpose of the items in our daily use, such as furniture connecting stairs to
closet. Create the whole surrealist in the film, with much more imagination and
connecting for audience to engage with the moving picture.
The other article (Film as a Subversive Art), describes the
relationship between the film in theater and viewer, all audience lose
themselves into the moving images, so audience could have emotion as
interactions. While forgets watching through projector, a point of view got my
attention “Thus, during half the time spent at the movies, the viewer sees no
picture at all; and at no time is there any movement” (p.3). Because our brain
automatically focus on the next images and connect with the previous one, and
avoid the darkness in between. It may be a great point to understand as a film
student, but it will defiantly destroy the foolish me who were only focus on
the moving images.
That point of looking at total blackness the half of the time we spend in the Movie Theater also got my attention. I guess I never thought about it before, and it is incredible how it is impossible to notice!