Sunday, March 11, 2012

Martha Marcy May Marlene I've been meaning to check this movie out for a little while and I finally rented it. It's about a woman who escapes from a cult and begins to live with her sister after two years of no communication. In the cult she is known as Marcy May and with her sister she's known as Martha. The whole movie goes between these two points in Martha's life and as the movie progresses Martha loses her grasp on reality. This aspect of it reminded me of persona a little bit. Anyway, I liked the psychology of the film the most and how Marcy May became subtlety brainwashed. There were moments where I wasn't sure whether she was flashing back to the cult or just at home with her sister. I thought this was nice because it made me question whether one was really Better than the other. Martha's sister and her husband certainly weren't a cult but I could see what drove Martha away for two years and made her feel worthless enough to do crazy things for a cult. At times how overbearing Martha's sister was seemed a little unrealistic but I liked what the film was commenting on nonetheless. If anyone thinks they are going to see this movie, don't read any further because I'm going to talk briefly about the end. Eventually the film comes to a point where Martha is losing it and she becomes dangerous to be around. Her sister and husband agree to take her to a facility. There is a moment before this happens where Martha sees someone who may be a part of the cult she was with. It finally ends with Martha in the car with with her sister and its not completely clear whether they are being followed by a cult member or not. I like this level of ambiguity but I kind of wanted the film to end with something more than that. I felt that any situation Martha was in, she was used or disregarded and I wanted this to be elaborated on more considering that her sister was about to leave her at an institution because she couldn't handle it. I did enjoy the film though despite those mixed feelings and I hope that if anyone sees it they will tell me how they felt about those things.

1 comment:

  1. I went to see this film in the Coolidge Corner when it was out. I really enjoyed the esthetics of it, and the story, but I hated the end. I didn't like that much of ambiguity.
