Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans

Part 1 of Sunrise
The above link is the beginning of the film if anyone is interested in checking it out.  You can watch the rest of the film on youtube!

This is a film I saw in my visual theory art history class once.  I thought it was a great film because it used the camera to show two different points of view in one story--the husband and the wife.  There was also a duality with night, and day, dark, and light between the couple, which creates the plot for the entire story.  The film is about the couples struggle to stay with one another.  There is also a juxtaposition between technology and the country, which translates to the man and woman.

The filmmaker experimented with different positions of the camera to achieve this affect as well as lighting affects.  Below is an additional link with more information on this film.  It is a silent film, so the focus is mostly on the image.  There is some music in the background.

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