Monday, April 16, 2012

Blue, White, Red by Krzysztof Kieslowski (1993 - 1994)

Each color is film it individually over the years of 1993 to 1994, the title of each film already declare what the main color that will be present in each movie. Even the colors are beautifully present in; colors are not the only attraction to draw viewers into the film. Krzysztof Kieslowski uses one of Hitchcock’s famous trick - acceptation; one of the courthouse in Paris is the neutral place where all three films will be involve at. Actors are also kept in the series over time to be small part of each movie, so by the last of the three movies Red is accepted for the location of courthouse and all major actors to appear. Which Krzysztof plays with the viewers acceptation in Red, all actors did not show in the movie until the very end of the film; it gave me a huge laugh and joy when the acceptation are finally present in the movie.

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