Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dear Conrad

Hey everyone from Film 2,

I finished the editing of the project in wich all collaborated. I tried to upload it to Vimeo but it can't stand the 11gb of the video, and after 11 hours uploading to Youtube, the upload cancelled. So I drop it off in the main computer in the editing room this morning.

You all are invited to take a look.

You can find it in the file "Student 2" and it is called "DEAR CONRAD".

I hope you all like it!

I'm looking forward to add the credits to it for submitting it to the anual; but I'm not sure how to handle that since some of us did more than one job in the filming process.


  1. This is great that the work is finished. I am really proud.
    Valeska, one thing you could write is that it is a collaborative
    project and then name the people from order of how many days
    they were there for the project or another way is to make the
    names alphabetical like this:

    A Collaborative Project by Jeff Silva's Film II Class:
    names of students in order of importance.


    A Collaborative Film by:

    Jeff Silva, Producer
    names of students

    This might not be clear about what each jobs each person has done but it makes the film appear to be a group work which is good.


  2. Thanks Serge for replying to this...

    I said it was a collaborative project of the film 2 class and that everybody participated...
