Monday, April 9, 2012

Persona by Ingmar Bergman

Persona is genius. The photography beautifully follows light and shadow, as if both were their own parallel story. The shots seem thoughtfully framed and every composition seems perfect- like a painting. Bergman uses all these cinematic tools for the viewer to enter the protagonist world of both beauty and madness. 

The beginning and the middle of the film have a moment of a kind of relapse in which 'random' images show in between fast cuts. My interpretation was that it was lapse to a collective consciousness where images of a boy lying in a white bed, of a bleeding hand stricken by a nail, of animal parts and so on. In these moments, the shots cut to white abruptly which served as a contrast to the rest of the film in which shots and edits were slower. 

The film made me question the power of silence, the idea of identity, and moreover, the psychological effect we have on each other. In a way, the duality of beauty and madness worked with the duality of the two main characters, the duality of life and death, of sanity and insanity, of light and darkness. 


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