Sunday, March 4, 2012

Balagan's Clermont Ferrand Film Shorts

I also went to the Brattle this week for free and saw some selected shorts from the Clermont Ferrand festival, which is apparantly the Cannes of short films. Well, I had a nice time and saw some fun films. I was pretty entertained the whole time, but at times I felt the films were a little glossy. I was impressed by the Italian film Il Capo and the Brazilian film Muro for the beautiful imagery though. Muro particularly stuck with me because the editing was very nice and conveyed the concept nicely. I thought the comparison of bratty boys to business men was interesting, and I also thought the editing between these shots worked really well. The color throughout was also very rich and dusty and the quality of the image was beautiful. The progression from the boy's race to the stoning at the end was very impacting and I thought it was a very direct commentary on the politics of the situation. To briefly talk about the other films, I felt the animations were well executed and funny, the local boston filmaker who created Choros was really cool but I found little else to think about while watching her film, and I found the Chinese film to have its beautiful moments but also its cheesy and emotional ones too.

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