Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Outside of ordering film directly from the Kodak Website this is the best way of getting film fast and cheap.  It's easy to do and you can pay by Credit Card or Cash.

The address is:
360 W 31st St # 2 New York, NY
Phone # (212) 631-3400

One Trick is that there are 2 entrances to the building.  One is on W 31st St. and the other is on 9th ave.  Here is the entrance to 9th ave.

There is no KODAK logo or anything so don't be shy.  If you are unsure, let the security guard direct you to the far elevators.

Go to the second floor.

to the right is the window where you will pick up a telephone, place your order. pay with credit card or check.

And the great people in the warehouse pack up your order and bring it up.to the window.

Those of you who are adventurous might want to play around with Black and White High Contrast Film. It is a super contrasty and slow film stock with an ASA of only 10.  But it is cheap!

Here's a price list of 100 foot rolls with the student discount.

16mm Color Negative is $26
16mm Color Reversal is $26
16mm Black and White Negative is $15
16mm Black and White Reversal is $15

Super 8 50ft. Black and White is $8
Super 8 50 ft. Color is $11

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