Sunday, April 22, 2012

Brick 2005

"A teenage loner pushes his way into the underworld of a high school crime ring to investigate the disappearance of his ex-girlfriend."

In this film, the environment is almost always bland, therefore the most interesting things in the shots are the actors themselves.  This way the story is really focused on the characters and the sound.  The sound is what supplies most of the information in this story. Without the sound, it would be unclear as to the setting and perhaps time period of this movie.

Most of the scenes are also bland or lacking in content.  Most of the dramatic scenes happen off screen.  One in particular, is a gang shoot out.  The main character is shown with others hearing the sounds.  The shooting, chaos, and siren sounds, are never connected to their source.  The killings, and other dramatic events are kept mysterious in order to counteract the submissive shots of neutral toned backgrounds.

Without the sound this effect would be lost.

The dialogue is also important in this film since it doesn't fit with the setting.  This film is about kids in high school, yet they way they speak is almost as if they are rapping. Their speech doesn't fit their high school setting, but it continues to add to mystery.

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