Monday, April 16, 2012

I Am Love by Luca Guadagnino (2009)

The start of the film already gives the class of the characters. Director Luca Guadagnino likes to move the frame alone with the moving objects, such as moving actors, hand deliver dishes to another, but never use eyes sight to deliver. He gives audience beautiful views of the environment, and aware of the environment even the characters are having conversation or moving.

Clothes are one of the element to show differ from the rest of the actors, because the family is full of wealth, the environments they spend are only bright, clean, beautiful, and with large spaces. When the environment is show in slightly darker, practical lighting (places like hospital), or in the wild, it creates unfamiliar and fear for danger ahead.

From the very beginning, it shows the winter moving images of Italy. By the structure of the city, and design of the buildings are easily identifiable, however the winter kept being show as the coldness of the city. Alone with the weather, that is how the main character’s (Emma) feeling for love. And it went from winter to summertime, to show the complication of her feeling and relationship with family members.

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