Friday, April 13, 2012

'Food' by Jan Svankmajer

   Something about this animation is so wonderful, or rather, all of Svankmajer's animation have this great surrealist quality to it that I just can't even handle.
    He has a tendency to make very quick and sudden cuts. Often going back and forth between things. He uses repetition to force your eye to look at what he wants you to see. Throughout the first half of the video when a man comes in that may need glasses to read the 'instructions,' sign, Svankmajer plays with the focus on the camera so that you can sort of read the words, then you can't, and then the man pulls out his glasses and it's clear. I love when an artist's plays with your perception like that; making you feel like you're apart of the piece yourself.
     Svankmajer also uses a lot of close up shots, making the film that much more intimate. And the juxtaposition of those shots, with wider ones, has a really nice and beautiful flow.
    Not to mention his animation style in general is amazing, and so bizarre that it's hilarious.

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