Friday, April 13, 2012

'Ghost Before Breakfast' by Hans Richter

The stop motion techniques used by Hans Richter are incredible to me considering the film was made in 1927. The shot of the man fixing his tie was specifically enticing to me, because it was direct, head-on; there were no cuts, and it wasn't shaky. Just a man with his tie trying to play tricks on him.
There is a significant amount of repetition of moving images used, and I think that it works very well for the film. I feel like some of the shots could've been even a second longer, because sometimes I'm left wanting more. But, I suppose that might be how the repetition comes into play. I think towards the end, though, the repetition becomes kind of overwhelming.
I very much enjoy his use of the negative shots towards the end, of the men stroking their beards, but as a whole with the film, I feel it's almost distracting.
I'm not sure how positive I feel about the film, but there are certain parts of it that were whimsical enough to make me giggle, so I guess that's something~

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