Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Clockwork Orange

This film is Stanley Cubrick's most controversial film. It was made in 1971 and it represents the cinematic translation of a novel from Anthony Burgess which was believed unfilmable.

The protagonist Alex is an ultra violent youth placed in a futuristic Britain. After a life of vandalism, he kills a woman with a phallic sculpture and he gets arrested and convicted of murder and rape. While in prison, Alex learns of an experimental program in which convicts are programed to detest violence. If he goes through the program his sentence will be reduced and he will be back on the streets sooner than expected. But Alex's ordeals are far from over once he hits the mean streets of Britain that he had a hand in creating.

The first thing I noticed when I started to watch this film was that there are no opening credits after the title, which is followed by the opening shot of Alex the Droog. Although it is now commonplace for major films to not have opening credits, in 1971 it was considered rather unusual and was considered a trademark of the director Stanley Kubrick. 

Next thing I noticed was the gorgeous use of "Symphony No.9" composed by Ludwig Van Beethoven. This piece is considered by some to be the greatest piece of music ever written, and the director actually didn't have to pay anything for the use of it I BELIEVE, since it has been copyright free since a while. (Don't trust me, but I assume). 

The use of slow motion and fast motion in the Clockwork Orange is just impecable. I think I have never seen a better fast motion scene than the one in this movie where the protagonist is being part of a threesome with two girls; everything happens in a long period of time, in fast motion and with very cool music. It is very pictorial, kind of graphic and funny.

A very interesting fact is the that the colors in the film are very saturated, as in other film I mentioned before in other post, True Romance by Tony Scott. The cast is almost orange! Not to mention that all the clothes, costumes, objects and scenarios referred the color orange as well.

This film is kind of long; it lasts 136 minutes, but you almost don't notice the time passing, since every detail and scenes are very interesting and fun.

I also have to mention that I love the main character in the film, I think the actor just nailed. Also, the surrealistic feeling of the film really penetrated in my mind while I was watching it, I was almost aware that I was sitting infront of a screen.

Other awesome thing to mention is the futuristic style that the director decided to use, keeping the seventies feeling in the environment in the film.

I loved this film, it has become one of my favorites. If you haven't seen it, go and do it now! 

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