Thursday, February 2, 2012

Midnight in Paris

This weekend I finally got around to seeing Midnight in Paris. I've never been much of a Woody Allen fan, I think I saw Annie Hall once and was over it. Anyways, Midnight in Paris has been buzzing around for a while so I watched it.
I thought the film was generally pretty dull. It was beautifully shot, the lighting stood out especially. I found, however, the writing to be pretty cheesy. Hemingway, for example, speaks like a character in one of his stories. The viewer gets that this is Hemingway, we don't need any more hints. The whole idea that Owen Wilson's character is writing a novel about a 'nostalgia shop' is pretty cheesy too. Personally I find that whole concept to be a bit young adult, or book-you-buy-at-the-supermarket. I think the only interesting thing about this film is the fact that you get to see all those famous characters brought to life, and asides from that it has nothing really going for it.

IPS, film II

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