Monday, February 6, 2012

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

   This weekend, I watched Hollywood remake version of “The girl with the dragon tattoo” in a theater. “Remake” has become dirty word in cinema but I think this film is quite successful. The director is David Fincher who directed “Fight Club” “Se7en” and “The Social Network” at recent and he put his trademark darkness to fantastic use. The film is very sleek, very stylish and very David Fincher! For the reason of taking Film2, I would like to mention about the sound. The film starts the oil-drenched title sequence backed by a pulsing cover of “The Immigrant song” by Tarent Reznor and Karen O and images are some kind of dark and it’s reminds me a opening of James Bond movies but it’s so stylish. See the Opening title Sequence, You may love it!

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