Sunday, February 26, 2012

Silent "Reduced" Listening Walk

I feel that I have done this exercise many times before but I have also done it again this weekend.

As I walked around or stood in one place for a while, it felt as if sounds were competing with one another.  Natural sounds such as the wind, fought with sounds of cars and people.  I thought the natural sounds were more relaxing where as noises from the street felt more chaotic and loud.

When just thinking about sounds, they can seem scary without knowing where they are coming from; from looking where the sound comes from.

The sounds I found most interesting where the softer ones, which I could not hear as well.  The softer sounds were of wind, and rustling leaves--earthy tones.  The more chaotic sounds were of cars, people talking, or walking.  These were the mechanical tones that everyone passes by every day.

I think it is interesting to note that most people block out these sounds and listen instead to their own soundtrack instead of the sounds out in the world. I think parts of us want to listen to the sounds but others do not, because they are not natural to us.

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