Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Innkeepers (2012)

Oh hey, I wrote this:

So due to suffocating style limitations, there were a couple things I couldn't really say in that review. There was a bit about color in the film that didn't fit into the space for the article:
-The film had some interesting use of color. For the most part, it seems to have been filtered to dull most of the color. In a couple places, it's accentuated for a nice effect. A few close ups on the face of the lead actress during moments of clarity brought out her blue eyes. At the end of the film there's a sort of coda or epilogue outside of the hotel in a more "real" color palette that separates it from the story in a nice way. I didn't like making the blood pop as the only bright red in the film-- it read as "this is scary," which I didn't need.

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