Sunday, February 26, 2012


Dance (A$$) Remix ft. Nick Minaj

(could not find director on artists’ websites or with video)

This music video takes advantage of a lot of the effects that we’re learning about about, so I thought it relevant to analyze. Despite the fact that in all likelihood everything here is digital, much of the aesthetic is derived from analog techniques.

I was particularly impressed by the use of tape lines around 0:50 into it. They line up with druml taps and bring out the rhythm. It makes me wonder if this could be used outside of a music video context. Watching the clip without sound suggests it could. These tape lines show up again at the end of the video, and at this point enhance the idea of out of control inebriation.

I found much of the camera the least effective part of this video. The spinning move, while it did reference drunkenness well, was over used the point where it didn’t mean anything. While yes, it seems the video arches and is at its most drunken towards the end, but this spinning motion is used almost evenly throughout, instead of highlighting the arch, it just beats a dead horse. The most effective camera technique here for conveying inebriation is the out of focus and dirty lens.

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