Sunday, February 19, 2012

Spellbound (1945)

From the drawing of swimming pool, it starts viewer with a hint of trouble ahead. The drawing was shown few times also using Dr. Petersen’s eyes as a hint too. This hint is given as a puzzle; also the shapes are change to narrow down the possibility of what John is afraid of. Before Dr. Petersen discovers the cause, she is the only person who is willing to believe John through the love goggles, which gives a doubt for viewer to debate over the film.

In the beginning of the film a line from Shakespeare “The fault… is not in our stars, but in ourselves”, which point it out the doubt viewer will have for John. Since his illness with his own doubt from others, create what we think due to his condition. In away I think Hitchcock is mocking everyone for the stupidity of our judgmental behavior, and often criticize others from rumors or image for public. In the film, Dr. Petersen is also very judgmental by her coworker due to her appearance.

Over time, Dr. Petersen’s dress color appears much darker and mature with fur in court, when she was defending for John Ballantyne; this technique was also shown in Rebecca while in the court. Another repeat Hitchcock signature also appears in Spellbound that is to exaggerate on the poker card as in The Lady Vanishes’s wine glass. 

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