Sunday, February 26, 2012

Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1965)

Directed by Russ Meyer.
This is one of the best movie's I've ever seen.

It opens with a somewhat bizarre monologue on violence that frames the film. This is a voice over an image of optical sound, which doubles and triples as the speech goes on.

Despite this film's exploitation, many of the shots are quite beautiful.The sense of composition is really great. Some of the cuts are great too-- particularly one where it cuts from a shot of man drinking a glass of water to a shot of a couple kissing. Despite this film's look of being made for profit soft-core porn, it is well made, and empowering to several of its female characters.
The weakest part of the shooting for me was the tendency for closeups of the character currently speaking. I found them uninspiring and almost boring. Shots were much better when they included more than just a face, as they tended pick out interesting compositions with what was in the background and the characters positions. The only exception to this I found were shots of Linda, a teen who had been kidnapped. The actress playing Linda was actually quite good, and her closeups tended to convey some emotion.
There was very little camera movement. Considering the fact that there was probably very few crew members working on this film, this makes sense just from a technical point of view. There simply wasn't the manpower to produce complex dolly shots. The movement that does exist is primarily in the form of pans, mostly to keep the action in the frame. A few shots from a very low point looking up at actors were very effective- since much of the plot revolves around power relations between characters, making them big or small worked very well.
Overall, a very entertaining, yet well made film.

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