Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Last Emperor (1987)

It’s a true story base on the last Chinese Dynasty - Ching’s emperor Pu Yi. Through out his entire life was control by people surrounding him; he was not only simply just a symbolic but also a puppet in a dilemma. The suffer of isolation in the Forbidden City since childhood, and after the dynasty officially collapse was force to leave Forbidden City and being threaten to be kill by the new age’s youngster. His loneliness is well known in the servants’ eye, without able to help due to different class.

Through out the film, who ever showed feeling of loving Pu Yi was taken away from him. He was with the whole country with the ability of desire what ever substance he wish for, also without a soul that are able to help him through all his difficulties from a pure friendship.

Screens capture the glorious of the Forbidden City also the loneliness and cheerless life in it. Walls around the Forbidden City seal the difference between emperor and citizens even have the ability to hear the sound from outside world with gun firing and people screaming. Pu Yi cannot do a thing, because all the courtier around would cover with lies and cut off all his source of information from the outside world.

The Last Emperor has a very precise on the history, but there was a bit of question while looking through the film. Although, mostly are speak in English, there are few dialogue in Mandarin and Japanese. Because I understand the languages and the background isn’t much problem for me, does anyone who watched the movie and was bother by such decision director made?

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