Sunday, February 5, 2012

True Romance

True Romance

True romance is a film directed by Tony Scott and written by Quentin Tarantino. This film released in 1993 and it is about a guy called Clarence, who marries a hooker, Alabama. By mistake, he steals cocaine from her pimp while looking for a suitcase that was supposed to content her clothes. Now facing that trouble, he tries to sell it in Hollywood to become rich and disappear the evidence, while the owners of the coke try to reclaim it.

The rolls played in the film are very interesting portrayed; Clarence is a geek and lonely boy looking excitement in his life, next to and someone to love and to protect, and to become rich if it is possible. He is someone quite shy but capable of doing really crazy things. Alabama is a silly girl who is just looking to settle down and have some stability. At the beginning she seems to be a fragile and quirky person, but as the story advances you realize she is stronger than appears to be, and that there is a compromised personality behind her slutty colored fashion clothes. As they meet, they found that they are perfect for each other and decide to get marry to start the adventure of their lives.

The first thing I noticed while watching this film is that the colors were very saturated, something that I personally liked a lot. The saturation made stand out the funky elements of the film, as the appearance of a purple Cadillac which almost became a character in the movie. Alabama’s clothes always had vibrant colors and interesting patterns, which contrast with all the dust that appears in the highways that are shown and the high violence the couple is surrounded by.

Next thing I noticed was that the film was rich in rough language, which wasn’t bad because it had very interesting dialogs as one racist directed about Sicilians and black people. Of course, this dialog ended in someone with a bullet between its eyes.  Which remind me that when it comes to violence, True Romance is very graphic, and blood splashes seem to be the signature of this movie.

To talk about the shots I liked in the film, there is this 3 seconds shot or probably less than that, where you can see the shadow of Alabama hitting a guy in the floor with a gun. After a very violent fight, she got to defend herself from a man that was killing her, so she is killing him now. I think the whole scene is very interesting, but after you can see her yelling and screaming while all covered in blood, there is a quick cut that goes to her shadow and then back to her face again.

One scene that was extraordinary is one where we can see two guys having a discussion while riding a rollercoaster. We can see them from different points of view, but the one I liked the most is the one with the camera standing in front their face as the coaster rides. You can see them yelling at each other and also their fear faces with the wind blowing into their cheeks. As other point of view, we have the same but the camera facing the front of the cart, the character’s point of view, so you can see the whole roller coaster structure and the path the cart is following.

This film have enough memorable scenes, and also a very good cast of actors. Even though it is another boy meets girl story, It is absolutely shameless in its exploitation of excessive violence, over-acting, melodrama, lurid sex, and rampant drug use; but in a funny and particular way. This film is really worth to see.

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