Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Devil's Playground (1976)

This movie often uses the three-space rule through the entire movie, also greatly using narrow space to create tension between characters. "The Devil's Playground" is base about human sexual desire, while under the strict rules of religion of being pure. Since is a religious (assuming is Catholic) school, the statue of icon was in most of the seen as a reminder and the importance of their religious. 

However, its very interesting while struggle with each desires or consider faults for the school, only Mother Mary's statue will appear in the room. As my understanding, Mother Mary is a figure of forgiveness and love, which gives the space for schoolboys and teachers (in the movie they call "Brother") to have doubts. And this icon could be the forgiveness that our viewer could understand, and even personally divide from the movie and judge their act. 

In the end the main character (a school boy) simply leave the school to explore his own life; leaving seems to be a way for explore the truly experience, but since the students were told outside world is evil, no one seems to want to leave even with many struggles daily against their nature desire. 


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